Saturday, October 5

Green Tangerines

I woke this morning at 5:45 to the sounds of ancient horns and Muslim morning prayers echoing off the hills of eastern Jerusalem and in through the open window of my little room.  It was a bit eerie, and more than a little disorienting.  It is such a different place here, I thought, as I breathed in the cool morning air and watched for paling skies (which, incidentally, I missed. I fell back asleep in, like, 2 minutes.  Jet-lag!)

Since I arrived in Jerusalem at the start of Shabbat, the only daylight I have experienced so far in this country has been the lazy peace of a warm Saturday afternoon.  I ate green tangerines and fresh pita bread stuffed with humous for brunch this morning.  Last night I ate my very first persimmon, and it was magical. I can't explain the taste, so don't ask (would that I were more of an Annie Dillard-type writer...)

After that I want for a short meander around the neighborhood, just to explore and take a few pictures.
More will come, of course, but I couldn't wait to start sharing the sounds and sights of this place (since I'm not so good at describing smells and tastes beyond "drool-inducing", which indeed they are).

The view from my hostel

The view of my hostel (the Jerusalem House of Prayer)

The view toward the Old City from Mount of Olives

Mount of Olives.  The small red-roof in the bottom right corner is a church I wandered into on my walk, and it happens to be the Church of Bethphage -- the place where Jesus mounted the donkey to ride into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.  Also the home of Lazarus, Mary and Martha. 

 I also took a short video out my window during afternoon prayers.  If you listen carefully you can hear children playing in the distance, bells ringing, ram's horns blowing and Muslim prayers chanted through PA systems.  You see the eastern slope of the Mount of Olives, and beyond that the Judean Desert.  If it were really clear today (and it's not) the Dead Sea would be visible on the horizon.

 P.S. Gram and Gramps: still kickin' on day two! Love, Elise

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