Wednesday, October 23

An Animated Guide To Socially Acceptable Personal Space Thresholds In Various Cultures

The British:

The British, after a pint:

The French, with Foreigners:

Americans, with Anyone:



And, the effects of the latter on a borderline introvert like myself:

Once I get used to it, it'll be fine. In fact, I'm a pretty touchy-feely person myself.  Then it'll feel more like this:

It's all just a wee bit overwhelming given my most recent Foreign Country of Residence, which lies at the other end of this little spectrum.

Anyway, I hope to get pictures of the city up soon. For now I can rely on naught but my own whimsy to fill these blog posts, for my camera battery has died a terrible and irrevocable death (I, however have not, dear Grandparents). Until I find a new one...

Oh! Another little item of update before I finish reading the Koran (yes, I started this afternoon. More anon...): My recent and prodigious struggles with the one bus company operating in Jerusalem have inspired roommate M and I to declare war: we've lodged formal complaints with the business using M's contacts, and have threatened to take my story to the press if the company doesn't respond. It... takes some explanation.   I'll tell y'all about it some other time, but for now suffice it to say that while I promised I'd do my best to stay out of jail while abroad, I never said I wouldn't stir up a little media attention... 

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