Thursday, July 17

Two Priests and a Prof

I'm running out of time to post about the last few weeks of travel and adventure here in Israel and abroad -- the taxi is coming to take me away to the airport in just 45 minutes.  Which should be just enough time to post some pictures of when Brett and his friend (another Anglican priest) came to stay with me here for a while.  Lots of adventures -- better told in person!  For now the pictures will have to do to tell the story I like to call

Two Priests and a Prof in Jesus-Land
Do Not Go Gentile to That Holy Site

Historical place of the Nativity

By the cradle


One of the coolest reliefs I've ever seen: David's anointing and the line of Jesse, all the way to Christ

St Jerome's dwelling

Back in the Old City, Jerusalem

On Temple Mount.  Three days after our visit, Palestine and Israel went to war

Gethsemane, from above the Eastern/Beautiful Gate

We were not allowed inside

Outer courtyard of Temple Mount

Dome of the Chain

After hiking through Hezekiah's tunnels in the City of David

The Pool of Siloam

City of David

The Holy Sepulchre in early morning sun

Ethiopian church, Jerusalem

Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation, Nazareth

Mary's well -- Orthodox traditional location of the Annunciation

Iconography at Church of the Annunciation

Boating on the Sea of Galilee

Keith "falls in"

Brett prepares to join him

Sunset over Tiberius

Fauzi Azar Inn, Nazareth.  Very very cool hostel

Art from Catholic Church of the Annunciation

The U.S.'s contribution to the international Virgin & Child gallery at Catholic Church of the Annunciation

Gardens on the Mount of Transfiguration

The view from Mount of Transfiguration -- Galilean countryside

Ruins on Mount of Transfiguration

The Priests explore

Brett takes a good look

Nazareth from Mount of Transfiguration

Church of Beatitudes, on Mount of Beatitudes (traditional site of Sermon on the Mount)

Sea of Galilee in background

The boys find a locust.  Now I see how John the Baptist could have lived off of those puppies-- they're as big as a New York Strip Steak!

Don't do it, father Keith!

Brett on Mount of Beatitudes

Morning of the last day -- the traveling trio celebrate Eucharist in the Garden of Gethsemane

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