Thursday, July 17

Shalom, Yerushala'im

This post will constitute my final dispatch from the Holy Land.  I am anxious to start my life in NYC and am grateful for the time here -- even for the very difficult parts of it.  But of course at present I am most anxious to leave because of the war.

Yes, they are referring to the Israeli operation in Gaza and Hamas' rockets lighting up Israel as a "war" now.  I am glad to shake the dust of this troubled place from my sandals... and yet broken hearted for friends who remain here -- whose daily routine is overshadowed by an international struggle of morals and weapons.  Yet I tried to absorb their wisdom and collect reflections from their experiences, to better comprehend the nuances of this situation and the inexplicably dense sea of troubles covering this particular corner of the earth.

My prayer is to impart, in however minor or seemingly trivial a fashion, the things I've learned and seen here to those I interact with, be it students and colleagues or family and friends.  I am convinced current political leaders will not resolve the reasons underlying the present conflict; I have little hope even for my own generation.  But maybe... maybe my future students will be among that generation which successfully affects change in a sore and weary land.

So I say Shalom to you, Yerushala'im. May God's peace rest on all peoples who call you home, and God's mercy be upon those in great peril just beyond your ancient gates.

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