Sunday, April 13

Siblings in Israel!

Not only is it now officially Holy Week in Jerusalem, but I've also been able to spend time with Bro and his lovely bride, my new sis-in-law, while they take Pesach (Passover) vacation.

They came to Jerusalem for a few days last week; we toured the Old City, ate good food and visited Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial.   Here are a few pictures from our galavanting about the Old City:

Examples of Mamluk Architecture near the Temple Mount  

The Via Dolorosa/ Via Crucis

Stations I and II: Church of the Flagellation

Detail: Crown of thorns on entrance to Church of Flagellation
Station IV: Jesus encounters his mother Mary
Station V: Simon of Cyrene takes the cross
Traditional location where Jesus rested his hand against the stone, next to Station
V.  The address of Jesus' hand print is 32 Via Dolorosa

The view from the top of the Austrian Hospice

The Newlyweds

As close to the Dome of the Rock as I will likely ever get, given current political situation

An old-fashioned Tahini Mill

Step 1: Bake the sesame seeds, stirring often

Step 2: Grind the seeds.  Voila, Tahini! Delicious.

On Friday O's family organized a lovely brunch in honor of the newlyweds, for relatives and friends who live in Israel.  The venue was spectacular (a century-old estate in Rishon, just south of Tel Aviv) and the day glorious -- and the food?  Yofi!

"Mishpohti Bendory" -- The Bendory Family

Wandering around the Estate grounds...

The family arrives!

My gorgeous new sis!

Abba and Ima Bendory

Hooray for tall women in science! -- with O's lovely cousin Tamar

In all, it was a real nice clambake! I gotta say, I'm a fan of this Israeli fam.

That's all for now.  But stay tuned for tales and images of Holy Week in the Holy City! I have big plans...

1 comment:

  1. How beautiful! The pictures of Jerusalem AND the brunch! Thank you, Bendorys, for such a beautiful brunch for D and O!
