Sunday, March 2

The Haredim Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks

So THIS happened today just a mile or so from campus. (To clarify, I don't actually have a position on this political matter despite what the post title says.  It's just my wont to appropriate Shakespearean quotes whenever possible. Because, yay Shakespeare!)

I missed the major traffic issues involved, but nevertheless could hear through my office window the 300,000 + ultra-orthodox protesters shouting and cheering and yelling slogans and prayers.  It was...eerie.  As I sat waiting for the bus home, I closed my eyes and imagined when "Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho" -- where I was Jericho,  hearing the mighty host of Israelis as they banged and shouted to send the walls crumbling down.  Lest one think the means of victory in this ancient story mere hyperbole, after hearing that din today I invite you to reconsider the possible truth in it.


Next post, including photos: my day at the beach in Tel Aviv -- including a drive through the West Bank (grandparents note: I lived to tell the tale!)

Until then, enjoy the following excellent, appropriately-themed music video:


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